Jayson Home & Garden
Can you still ‘Love The Local’ (where you go out of your way to support local businesses because doing so is good for the community) even if ‘the local’ is in another city? I think you can. Supporting locally owned business isn’t limited to our Metro-area, especially when places like Jayson Home & Garden exist.
My home clients will probably all recognize this name, but for those who haven’t worked with me, let me introduce you. Jayson Home was introduced to me back in 2007 by my style sensei, the woman who took my love of fashion and directed it inside, specifically the inside of my NYC apartment. Even with the best shopping city as my backyard, Chicago-headquarted Jayson Home still offered a compelling alternative to ABC Home and the hundreds of amazing stores that pepper the city. Since moving to Boulder, the store has become the #1 weapon in my arsenol. I kept it a secret until now.
Jayson Home combines contemporary classics with flea market treasures into the very definition of the eclectic chic you see in the pages of Elle Decor. Many stores attempt this balance, but Jason leads the pack by the quality of their curation. Of the hundreds of available items, spanning seven different categories with everything from sofas and beds to serving spoons and tea lights, everything is cool, everything is beautiful, everything is special.
Additionally, their customer service, packing and shipping, accountability if there is a mishap (or if you can’t find a piece that is buried in the box) are all unmatched. They will often include small gifts with larger orders, and if all of this isn’t enough, there’s the issue of the sales tax… As in there is none. Because Jayson Home is located solely in Chicago, anyone who orders from and ships to out of state does not pay tax. On a furniture order that tops a few grand, this is a substantial savings.
For many new to the interior game, their prices can induce a bit of sticker shock. Jayson products are of the highest quality and style and these things cost; however, their prices are appropriate and comparable with other stores of their kind, and the seasonal sales slash about 15-20% off many items. After a visit to their online showroom, even among stores of their kind, you’ll see that there is really nothing that compares.