MHS Wish List: Barcelona Day Bed
File this under the ultimate wish list, the fantasy furnishings, the maybe-one-day-if-I-save-all-my-pennies-for-the-rest-of-my-life. There are not many things I would sell my soul for.. This is the Barcelona Couch/Day Bed....
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Auto Chic
When I'm feeling especially minx-y, I bust out my snake embossed, black fingerless driving gloves. Recently, I was asked where they are sold, so I'm hoping I'll start to see them around town. Fingers crossed! Available here. [yuzo_related]...
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The Packing Problem
Holiday time. Biggest travel season of the year. And between the TSA sex crimes and other fun and festive holiday experiences, all you travelers have enough to look forward to, save for the joys and frustrations of packing. Here are my tips for perfect packing for the...
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Gift Gorgeous Glassware
I was at a recent event at Design Within Reach and saw this gorgeous glassware collection. Imagine my surprise to find the price is waaaaaay reasonable (definitely *not* the case with much of their merchandise). I particularly love...
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Guy Gifts
Designer, filmmaker, tastemaker, aesthete and all around style Jesus-Man Tom Ford has slowly been expanding his signature line of beauty products. Just in time for the holidays, he's released some of his best scents in candle form. And true...
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Size Matters
One of the biggest style gaffes is known as the 'stuffed sausage' look- trying to squeeeeeeeze into a size that is too small. On the flip side is one of the biggest shopping gaffes: discounting an item simply because the number on the label doesn't match what's...
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Start Your Engines
There are so many reasons why I love this boot: it's edgy sensibility, its perfect pairing with skinny jeans, its reasonable price point, and it being part of the Frye line (made to withstand winters, lions, tigers and bears). And the ineffable...
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Beautiful Objects
Other than my cast iron gun, the object in my house that receives the most attention is my Sumatran Dance Crown, found at one of New York's most fabulous places for the special and unique: Creel and Gow. The online boutique is just a fraction of their overall...
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Fall/Winter Coats
Let's talk about coats. For many, it's hard to even know where to begin looking for outerwear as the diversity in options can be overwhelming. Since my mission with this blog is to help make fashion easy and accessible to you, here is my rundown of what to get, what...
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Hats Off!
I'm in the midst of a hat phase. I know the common wisdom regarding hats is that only a choice few can 'wear' them (read: not look silly), but I wholeheartedly disagree with this sentiment. The only thing you need to successfully pull a hat is...
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