How Old Becomes New

How Old Becomes New





I recently completed work with a new client who, over the last six decades, has amassed some truly spectacular pieces that, hanging in the back of her closet, were just waiting to come back to life. Still sporting the same tall and trim physique, a testament to healthy living and amazing genes, she slipped into one piece after another and I sat there amazed at the opportunity (my first) to work with such a special vintage collection.

Vintage pieces must be presented against a modern backdrop of simple, classic items: the more ‘period’ an item, the more basic the rest of the outfit. Pair a blazer from the 80s with a white tshirt and straight leg jeans*, a long kilt from the 70s with a cashmere crewneck sweater and a sophisticated boot, a dress from the 60s with a ballet flat. Remember the rule: the more stylized your vintage, the more simple its accompanying pieces.

*Leave it to the best ever, Gwyneth Paltrow, to properly rock this look.** Believe it or not, I found this photo after I wrote the post. 😀

**It’s entirely possible that this blazer is not, in fact, from the 80s, as GP isn’t known as a vintage-girl (like Kate Moss or Sienna Miller) and it seems a bit short to be a proper relic (double breasted 80s blazers were quite long). However, the influence is obvious.
