Jennifer Aniston Style
There are few indisputable facts in the style world as most everything is subjective and context specific. However, seemingly immune from debate is that Jennifer Aniston Style has become among the most coveted and copied of all celebrities. According to magazines, red carpet performances, popular opinion and my own clients’ opinion*, she is the best. And while I don’t personally agree with this sentiment (I think she plays it far too safe for that body and bank account), for my own arguments sake, Jennifer Aniston perfectly embodies the Mile High Style philosophy: best basics and bold accessories.
If you scan through Google Images for candid shots of her (as opposed to Red Carpet photos where she employed a stylist’s help), you’ll notice that her outfits nearly always consist of jeans, tanks and t-shirts, with a scarf or jewelry, cool shades, and a great bag. And isn’t that what I’ve been saying? Good everyday style is about simple, impeccable basics, bold accessories, finished off with high(er) end footwear and a killer bag.
Once you’ve mastered this look and your style foundation is fixed and fabulous, you can then start taking more risks, making bolder fashion purchases, and having the confidence to pull them off.
*My clients all fill out a questionnaire prior to meeting with me; all unequivocally answer ‘Jennifer Aniston’ when asked which celebrity has the best personal style.