I must have spent 30 minutes each morning staring at the clothes in my closet and coming up with the same outfits time and time again. It’s not that I didn’t have enough clothes to choose from, in fact I had too many and only wore/loved a fraction. I was SO SICK of everything in my closet and needed a re-fresh. I wanted to incorporate the clothes I had and transition into a more sophisticated and stylish look. Lucky for me, I had watched my dear friend ‘Kathleen’ as her style evolved and how fabulous she ALWAYS looked. She recommended I use Liz.
I’m in sales and have various events and trade shows to attend throughout the year. It typically calls for at least 5 outfits and I never want to wear the same outfit twice. I had an event in Newport Beach coming up so I hired Liz to put together outfits for me – she went through my closet and helped me pair items I would have NEVER put together and LOVED them. She added in a few new items and Katy 2.0 was launched! I love the way great clothes/style makes me feel and I loved the way I felt in the outfits Liz created – unstoppable.
Liz is a woman with many style-talents; I was looking to paint my kitchen and had about 35 colors (not exaggerating) on my kitchen wall. I couldn’t commit to a color…Liz came over and in 5 minutes selected a color and it’s AMAZING. In the further I plan to have her start decorating my house – one room at a time.
It seems that every season I have that same blank stare into my closet but the more I work with Liz the better I become at creating a look I love. Though I do wish I had Liz living in my closet! She has an amazing way of capturing my style and expanding my comfort zone. If you’re struggling with closet paralysis then Liz is your girl – she’ll remove the clothes that don’t work for you, add items that do and pair them all together. Your 2.0 is right around the corner!

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