
How To Sell

Sep 1, 2011 | Interior Design | 0 comments


In my line of work, classifieds and consignment stores are crucial. At any given time, I must be able to source furniture and home décor items for my clients, and with some insisting on the lower prices characteristic of secondhand furniture and others requiring pieces that aren’t currently available in stores, online classifieds and local consignment stores have become an invaluable resource. Needless to say, it is also an ideal solution for you and anyone who wants to recoup some money on items that no longer are needed or loved. And yet despite the popularity and necessity of classifieds, most listings are a disaster. The following should be considered when listing items you hope will sell and command competitive prices.

PICTURE– You would think this is obvious, but including photos of your merchandise is an absolute necessity. At any given time, there are multiple listings for any item and whoever presents an accompanying photo cuts the queue. The picture should be clear, well lighted, representative of all angles, and attractive.

WORDS– Accompanying a good photo should be a great write-up. I am not suggesting your listing sound like a description out of Architectural Digest; however, the more personality you can infuse, the better it reads. In that vein, explain why the piece is special, any history it has, alternate ways to use or place it. If you know its market value, definitely include this information. The more you can tell your audience about the item, the more interested we will be. If repairs are required, providing recommendations (when applicable) will go far.

HONESTY– Furnishing misleading information about a piece (whether intentional or not) is the fastest way to lose the sale. Many listings tout design buzz words like ‘mid century modern’ and ‘art deco’ to describe pieces that are not. If you don’t know the style or origins of a piece, simply say so, but attaching misplaced design significance makes me question other possible inaccuracies.

CONSIGN– Without a doubt, listing and monitoring items yourself takes time and effort. If you have neither to spare, consignment stores take the responsibility for showing and selling off your hands and tend to move items faster. However, they also take 50%. I advise opening an account with your local shop; even if you sell the big ticket items yourself, smaller pieces (votives, pillows, glass objects, coasters) do sell and add up to a respectable chunk of extra change.


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