The Well-Kept Closet
I'm recycling this post as a nod to conversations I've had with current clients regarding upgrading to wood hangers- Great style requires having the appropriate tools; the closet being the largest, it should be kept...
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Engagement Style
This last month, I've worked with two clients on a specific new request: engagement photo outfits! If your closet is disorganized and outdated, pulling a few outfits together for this most important photo shoot is a daunting task. Luckily, the alternative is easy and...
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Style For Your Orchids
If you're looking for a stylish step-up from terra cotta orchid pots, try these from Jayson Home & Garden and consider doubling up! Look for my upcoming post on displaying two or three orchids together. [yuzo_related]...
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Style Saturdays at Willow!
Please join us this and every Saturday in May for mimosas, treats from Lucky's Bakehouse, and complementary style advice. Bring in items that you...
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The New Mercury Glass?
Just like fashion, home and decor trends cycle, and without a doubt, mercury glass hit the market hard! I pulled out my 12-set votives for each and every party over the last three years, but heading...
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Local Style: Kate
Like many people in this feature, Kate Lacroix could have easily represented either Fashion or Home. A Boulder mainstay, Kate made her name in restaurant PR (The Kitchen, Cured) and recently launched her...
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The Most Important Item You Need This Season
This is a big claim I know; but I feel strongly that having a single pair of shoes that can work with every possible Spring/Summer outfit is a major style coup. The item is a flat...
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Style In The Smallest
One of the main reasons I started this blog was to share the abundance of cool shit that exists here, there, and everywhere. Not a day passes where I don't see something unique, special, or beautiful and keeping it all to myself seemed silly. Whether it's...
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Embrace & Avoid: 2014’s Spring Trends
It's that time again. Spring is always fashion's most anticipated season- a welcome break from Winter's doldrums and a return to color! And while the Mile High...
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Local Style: Vanessa
Welcome to the newest feature on this blog- Local Style highlights the best of the Boulder/Denver sartorial scene, the people who help inch our city past its reputation for fleece, with their passion for style across various mediums. I've always believed...
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