Save On The Side
I'm currently 3/4 finished with an incredible downtown Boulder office renovation that saw upgrades in everything: paint and flooring, windows and doors, furniture and accessories. While searching for the final pieces, I came across this side table from Target that...
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You Get What You Pay For
Without a doubt, the least enjoyable part of an otherwise totally kick-ass job, is telling clients that they need to be spending more money on their clothes, shoes, accessories. It seems to be part of the human experience to have hang ups about money; we all do. It...
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Holiday Gifting
If you're still searching for lovely holiday gifts, these natural stone platters lined with 24k gold are ideal for anyone who loves to entertain. [yuzo_related]...
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Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
If you're living in any part of the country other than Florida, you've probably noticed a wee chill in the air... These faux-fur blankets from Restoration Hardware will keep you warm and stylish. Pair with a vintage-style pajama set and a great DVD for a perfect cold...
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High Risk, High Reward
When it comes to interior design, I am a devoted believer in the power of risks. The balance tips from good to great once you start doing things differently, and...
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Primary Power
From a 5 bedroom home in Boulder Country Club to a psychiatrist's office downtown, my month is full of interior projects. While doing some online research for them, I came across this incredible vignette...
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Plus Size Styling
I recently completed work with a new client who confessed her initial hesitation in contacting me. Two months, in fact, of staring at my business card before she was ready to reach out. Her concern? Her size. With exceptionally touching candor, she confessed an...
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Mile High Style for The Woods Fine Jewelry
If you're out in Denver on this snowy evening, please stop by Goldyn for this amazing trunk show featuring a limited edition collaboration: Mile High Style for The Woods. [yuzo_related]...
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Holiday Humor
When the Holidays roll around, I have to be up on my gift game. I pour through mountains of catalogues, ear marking and page pulling in order to make the best recommendations for hostess and home, friends and family. The new CB2 catalogue (which is amazing, by the...
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How Old Becomes New
I recently completed work with a new client who, over the last six decades, has amassed some truly spectacular pieces that, hanging in the back of her closet, were just waiting to come back to life. Still sporting the same tall and trim physique, a testament to...
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